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With the Dacom crop registration the VNK growers can easily keep up their registrations. After drawing in the parcels, all operations like soil cultivation, sowing, crop care and harvesting can be registered. VNK has direct access to the registrations of contract fields of the growers and can use this information for e.g. harvest planning. The growers don't have to send the data manually to VNK, this happens automatically which is very user friendly.

The program can easily be used to make reports so the customers of VNK have insight in the origin of the products. By digitalising this whole process, the administrative burden decreases and the agronomists of VNK can fully focus on providing growers with substantiated growing advice. This advice can be put into the grower's system by the agronomists. The grower can then easily carry out this advice via the app on his phone. The seed or planting material supplied by VNK is put in the grower's digital shed and he can select it when making a sowing or planting registration. This way it is clear which batch of seed or planting material was used on which field.

VNK's dashboard gives insight into all contract plots and can see at a glance whether the registrations are complete. If necessary, a grower can easily be sent an e-mail with a request to fill in the missing data. Based on the collected data, the crop can be evaluated after the harvest. The conclusions drawn can be used the next season to improve the crop and increase the return for the grower and VNK. 
